Good morning! Jesus had over three hundred prophesies concerning Him and He fulfilled all of them. The Scriptures pointed to Him, His life, suffering, death and resurrection. He pulled it all off!
That's how we know He is God because He fulfilled all that was written of Him and had evidence to prove His resurrection. This is why it is called the "Good News" because the Gospel is good news. If you believe and live by it, you have eternal life and security of the surety of heaven being our forever home.
Have you believed? Do you believe it enough to die for it? The disciples believed what they witnessed enough to die for it. They didn't die for a lie, they died for the truth of the Gospel.
I pray you have received it, believe and are so sure of it, that nothing, not even death can talk you out of it. Believe and tell someone of the good news as you make a great day!