Good morning! The reason we can love others is because we have encountered God's great love for us. It is not able to be earned, it is not deserved, but it is a free gift displayed through Christ on the cross. He loved us before we loved Him and gave Himself for us that we may know Him.
Christ died once for all and His sacrifice still is enough today. The blood is still on the mercy seat in heaven making intercession for all and for all time. The blood has never lost its power. Are you thankful for the blood?
It may be a bit morbid, but so is our sin. Sin leads to the most morbid death possible and that death lasts forever. It's only by the blood of Jesus that we are cleansed of our sins and made right with God. That is God's gift. It is His goodness and mercy. It is His eternal love. Let His love be enough for you so you can always make a great day!