Good morning! God speaks through the prophet Isaiah to tell His people their sins. He says to get rid of their religious hearts that trust in their own works and righteous deeds. He calls for repentance and selfless acts.
He calls them into alignment with His will to get rid of their sinful ways and turn to His righteousness. Even though this was written many years ago, it still speaks to us today. God demands holiness through faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him.
If we do not put Him first above all else, we will do things out of selfish ambition and it will lead to strife. Many churches split or fall apart over the selfish ambitions of people. It's hard to have selfishness flourish in a prayer room or on the altar.
Put Jesus first, get rid of the sin in your life, trust in His righteousness and learn to do what is good in His eyes, not your own. Learn to be in the will of God and be obedient to what He calls you to do. Be faithful to Him who is faithful in all things as you learn to make a great day!