Good morning! Jesus is the Son of God. The claims He made of Himself were He is God. He said things like, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father." "I and the Father are one." "Before Abraham was, I AM!" He was all God and all man at the same time.
He would not have been able to make the claims He did of Himself or have the power to do those things if He was not God. Therefore, this Scripture can be true, that God has indeed visited His people. He has paid for their redemption and paved a way for salvation.
Most of the Jews did not receive Him this way. The Gentiles who were not supposed to recognize Him, did and received Him much to his amazement. He has indeed visited us and is coming again for His bride, the church. Let us not miss the hour of visitation and be ready to receive Him when He returns. Blessed be the Lord! Thank Him today for His salvation that appeared through Jesus and do your best to make a great day!