Good morning! Sin is a tough thing. The natural desires to appease of selfish nature is our greatest enemy and temptation. The desires of the flesh can be overwhelming at times. This is why we need the love of the Father in us.
His love changes our desires and makes sin a lot less appealing and helps us to overcome temptation. Most Christians get caught up in the details of sin, but here God gives us three categories of sin that cover every detail you could name.
Rather the sin is food, addictions, sexual things or things we struggle with in that regard, it is all the lust of the flesh. If it is what we see we can buy and more stuff, someone else's stuff or pornography, etc., it is the lust of the eyes. If it is to be the best and the envy of all your neighbors and friends to point people to yourself, it is the pride of life.
No matter how you can sin, it falls under those three categories. If your heart is there, there is a warning that the love of the Father is not in you. That's a dangerous place to be because heaven is not your eternal destination. Let the Father's love be enough for you because only He can truly satisfy every need, want and desire you could ever have. He is enough and His love is eternal. Let His love fill your heart and watch how your life changes to be able to make each day a great day!