Good morning! I am thankful I am not considered a foreigner in the kingdom of God. Because of Jesus, I have been grafted into the kingdom of God and adopted as a child of God.
I am welcomed in as the seed of Abraham through faith. In fact, the next verse (3:29) tells us this: "And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise." How awesome is that?
We get to be counted among the brethren, welcomed among the assembly, legitimate children who can call God our Father. Heaven will be full of all different people from all over the world or different skin colors, races, nationalities and yet we are all one in Christ.
Us who believe are one in Christ and heaven is our eternal home! Think on this today as you meet various people from all walks of life and find the commonality in each us and share your faith as you make a great day!