Good morning! If God loved us so much that He was willing to give His own Son, how much more shall He not give us all things? Now, this doesn't mean we need to be greedy or ask for things in selfishness.
It means His love is beyond measure and He will go to any lengths to prove it. Isn't His Son's life enough to show this? What else could He give and what else is more costly and precious than Jesus?
All the things we think are of great value, God looks at them as if they're dirt and easily disposable. He gave the very best, most valuable gift ever. So, why do you worry about all the other things you want or need?
Will He not provide? Isn't His love proof that He cares about you and your needs? Just ask Him and put faith into practice. Ask for the right things with the right motives and He will give freely to you. He is a good God, just, holy and pure. Let your heart be pure, your motives be righteous and your love be a reflection of His love as you make a great day!