Good morning! Not only will we be taken up into eternity when the Lord returns, we will also witness the new heaven and new earth being made. The Apostle John may be the only one who gets to see it happen twice.
He saw it in the vision when he received the Book of Revelation and he will see it when it comes to pass. Everything will be made new and restored to how God originally intended it to be.
What a day that will be! All the pain of life and betrayal, all the sorrow and grief of death, all the tears being shed will be no more. Everlasting joy and endless jubilee will be our portion from the Lord forever.
God will personally wipe away all our tears, remove all our pain from every area of our lives and take away all our sorrow and grief once and for all. Praise Him for this marvelous love and gift of eternal life as you make a great day!