Good morning and happy New Year! I hope you had a blessed 2024 and I pray this new year will be even greater for you and your family. Going forward, it is important to remember this passage. Because of Jesus, we have been made new.
Many people start the year with resolutions or plans to make some change in their life. By February, many of those plans have already failed and given up on. Change is hard and it takes work, discipline and realistic goals. Have you included Christ in your plans?
We have to remember, in Christ, we have been made new. Every day is a new chance to choose life and live for Him. All the old things are gone, not to be remembered with guilt and shame. He has given us new life so we don't have to live in the misery of regret and condemnation.
Ask Him to help you make necessary changes. Ask Him to be involved in the process of change. Let Him renew your mind and refresh your soul. Let Jesus teach you how to move forward in the liberty and newness He alone provides. Have a blessed start to your new year and do your best to make every day a great day!