Good morning! Serving God is not easy or everyone would do it and do it perfectly. But we struggle against the selfish desires of our heart, against wicked people and the unseen evil spiritual forces in this world. But praise be to God who is our deliverer from all of it!
He alone has the power to defeat evil. He alone is holy, just and perfect in judgment. He alone is merciful with perfect love. Sing of His power and mercy. Sing of His great love and compassion. He is good!
He is our defense and safe haven in times of trouble. If we run to Him and hide our life in Him, He will protect us and come through for us every time. He promises that in His word. We can have great assurance of His promises, for God is not a man that He should lie or a son of man that He would break His promises.
Instead of focusing on the trouble, start singing praise unto God for who He is and that He is our great defender. When we praise Him for who He is, the enemy has to flee because the presence of God dwells in the praises of His people. Praise Him today and you will have the keys to make it a great day!