Good morning! Because the enemy prowls about seeking whom he may devour, we need to be watchful, careful and diligent. Now is not the time to inebriated with entertainment, social media and things that occupy our time with idleness.
The enemy is not playing around. He seeks to use every platform possible to lure you into enchantment. Witchcraft is so prevalent that it has desensitized people to its reality. Celebrities no longer hide it and openly practice demonic activities in flippant rebellion against Jesus.
The church should not be engaged in watching, supporting or participating in any of this. Compromise erodes character. God's grace is far too good for us to treat it with contemptible disregard. Jesus is all powerful and has been given all authority in heaven and earth. Trust Him in all things. Be diligent to serve Him and not let your flesh dictate what you do, watch or engage in.
If You declare Jesus as Lord and Savior, then let Him have full Lordship of your life. Otherwise, you just have a religious deception that puts faith in your own righteous deeds rather than the sufficiency of Christ's blood. Be sober-minded, be vigilant and stay alert trusting in the revelation of Christ so you won't fall into temptation as you make a great day!