Good morning! This goes right along with Jesus being the door of the sheep. He is the good shepherd who leads His sheep to green pastures and beside still waters. Sheep are skittish and easily spooked. The shepherd brings peace and calms every anxiety in the sheep.
Jesus protects like no other. He protected us from the penalty of sin by laying down His life in our place. He fought death, the ultimate enemy and won. Have you accepted the sacrifice that paid for your salvation?
Shepherds talk to their sheep so the sheep learn the voice of their protector. They learn the sound and tone of their voice. They learn that in that voice is safety and security. They learn when the shepherd speaks, to follow his voice and they will be OK. Have you learned to follow the voice of the Good Shepherd?
Learn the voice of Jesus and follow Him so you can always be in the fold. He will protect you, guide you and lead you to a place of rest and peace. Let His voice be known to you and His love for you spur you to follow Him closely. May His voice be clear to you so you can follow Him and make each day a great day!