Good morning! If you've ever been a man with a pregnant wife, you know it is a lot to adjust to in her condition, especially when it is late in the pregnancy. If you're a woman who has been pregnant, you know how hard it is to get around and the hindrances there are. Imagine traveling over 20 miles by donkey from Galilee to Nazareth while pregnant.
It would not be fun even without being pregnant, but that is what they had to do. Sometimes we think the call of God on our life, whatever it is, will be easy. The fact is, serving God is not easy and He doesn't call us to do easy things. You also face resistance from the enemy when you serve the Lord.
There was nothing easy about this call to have and raise the Son of God. But their resolve to honor God took no shortcuts. The did everything needed to make sure they did what was asked of them. How often do we make excuses for not doing what God has told us to do? It gets hard, so we reason we with ourselves to believe it must not be the will of God because it's hard.
Be careful! The enemy wants nothing more than to for you to abort the plan and mission Go has for you to do and think it is God's plan with deception of comfort and ease. When you know what God has done for you and has called you to do, no matter how big or small, it is important to stay the course and remain faithful to the process to see it through. Resolve to serve God through difficulties, hardships, trials and tribulations. Think about how you can finish the year with obedience as we approach this Christmas so you can make each of these days a great day!