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Monday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Writer: Bret SanorBret Sanor

Good morning! Intelligent design needs a designer. A book doesn't write itself; it needs an author. Life does not stem from non-life; it has to have a living creator.

In all the scientific knowledge and discoveries that have been found out, we're still discovering things that have been since the creation of life. God is the origin of that creation. Have you observed His attributes in creation?

In you, there is DNA that is specific and unique to only you. Every person has this unique code specific for them. Your eye has a retinal pattern that is unique to you. You have fingerprints that separate you from everyone else that has ever lived.

This is not by accident, but intelligent design. God authored the book of life in our DNA and is the life that brought about all life as we know it. Science points to God, not away from Him. People can not want to see the evidence, but it is there so they're without excuse. God did this on purpose so that everyone could see His handiwork and know Him. I pray you see Him in all of creation and praise Him for His handiwork every day as you make a great day!


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