Good morning! In light of God's love that my daughter did a great job explaining yesterday, we ought to love Him. One of the ways we do that is by loving one another. By this, people will recognize us as Jesus' disciples.
Does your love have enough evidence to convict you of being a disciple of Jesus? There seems to be a trend that if we disagree on anything, we must hate each other. That is not God's love. Jesus loved us through our sins, despite our sins and enough to die for our sins.
What manner of love ought we to have for one another if Jesus loved us this way and this much? It doesn't mean we ignore sin or condone it. It means we love people through their sins enough to let them see the goodness of God and turn from their sins.
Everything we do should show the world we are filled by the love of God. May everything we do lead others to the cross that they may find the love of God for themselves and be compelled to become disciples of Jesus. Love one another as you make a great day!