Good morning! Wisdom teaches us how to handle things in a mature manner. When we catch someone in sin, we often want to rush into judgment and correct them harshly. Sometimes, people also want to just completely disown them as if they are now a leper.
Maturity comes from wisdom and allowing the word to shape us in our response to the things that we see are wrong. If Jesus was not threatened by sinners and their sin, why should we be? We need to get rid of the religious spirit that rushes into judgment and condemnation and allow this verse to guide us in dealing with others caught in sin.
How do you want someone to deal with you if you were the one caught in sin? Harshly? With condemnation? Or perhaps with love and gentleness in the spirit of restoration? The goal is not to bash someone, but to restore them. If your approach is to ostracize someone and not restore them, you need to repent.
If you consider yourself spiritual, then restore someone in sin with gentleness knowing you could be easily caught in sin yourself. Pride is at the heart of a religious spirit. Humility is key to living in the will of God and with the maturity that brings restoration. Let God help you to be gentle that doesn't excuse or tolerate sin, but restores those caught in sin with love. Make a great day!