Good morning! This is a tough passage to master. It's so easy to complain when we don't get our way or when things don't go as planned. Control is a hard thing to surrender especially to someone you see as inferior.
That's the point of this verse is to reveal the "why" behind the "what." Complaining is usually done out of selfish ambition or motives. Disputing is usually about being right all the time. Think about this for a few minutes.
How often do you complain? How often do you argue? Is it to get your own way? Is it to be right? Sometimes, making the situation right is better and more important than being right. Surrendering your right to be right often brings healing in a tense situation or strained relationship.
God desires us to be blameless and harmless, loving each other in a world so full of hatefulness and selfishness. Dare to live differently and exude the character of Christ who, being perfect, died as if He was the worst of sinners just to set us free. Think on this, put it into practice and let God help you to make a great day!