Good morning! Life has a way of becoming overwhelming at times. The busyness of holidays, school work, house work, career work and even ministry work can weigh on you. Not to mention the cost of living and the state of the world right now. Where do you find rest?
It's important to find rest. Resting is something our culture has seemingly forgotten about. It's no wonder sickness is high and people are on so many medications for anxiety, depression, sleep problems and the like. Rest is important to your spiritual, physical and mental health.
Without rest, you won't be healthy. Jesus tells us to work, but He also tells us to rest. He tells us to bear the right burdens and carry the right yokes. He is our rest. When you feel overwhelmed, come to Him. When you feel fine, come to Him. Rather you are good or not so good, come to Him and find rest. He will strengthen and refresh you to keep going so you can always make each day a great day!