Good morning! What you believe about Jesus matters. Who you see Him as is important because it shapes your faith. If you see Him as just another man or religious figure, you will not understand the power of His blood to redeem you of sin and pay for you to have eternal life.
He is all God and all man in one being. He is the light of the world who the world wants to snuff out. They were so hateful towards Him that they crucified Him. Those who walk in darkness will hate the light, but those who follow Him will have the light of life living in them.
Let the light of Christ live in you and shine through you in this dark world. I pray every day for my kids before they go to school. One thing I pray is that they would be an influence on the world and not be influenced by the world and be a light in a dark place. They win other kids to Jesus regularly. I trust Jesus and believe He is who He said He is. May you walk in the light of life as you go and make a great day!