Good morning! This is more of the conversation between Mary and Gabriel. The angel starts out telling her not to be afraid. If he said this, it's because it was a frightening thing. His appearance, the supernatural experience, the glory of the Lord surrounding him, all would be scary.
Having an encounter with God can be scary even if it's only with one of his messengers. But, we can't let that pull us away from what God wants for us or the assignment He has for us. My greatest fear is that I will get to heaven not having accomplished all that God had for me to do.
I want to hear those afirming words, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" In this season, we can serve one another with joy and serve the Lord in various ways that show more than the "Christmas spirit." We can show them an ever-present help that transcends time. Jesus is more than the reason for the season. He is the season, He is the reason and He is the enternal Son of the living God. Glorify Him today with your "yes" and go out with joy as you make a great day!