Good morning! Many people have no problem with "God" but they hate Jesus. God can be an ambiguous term, but Jesus is absolute. Because He came as a man, people tend to see Him as just another religious person. He is not just a man though, but all God and all man in one being.
It's hard to wrap our heads around God being three persons in one being, but He is. God the Father has always been speaking. Jesus has always been with God as the embodiment of that spoken word. The Holy Spirit is the power of the word in sound.
If I speak but make no sound, my words have no power. But when I give sound, my words are not just empty breath, but embodied by sound to be heard and experienced. Jesus is the living word who has always been with the Father and Holy Spirit.
So, Jesus is not just something that came into being, but has always been. He is not just mortal man, but the living God in the flesh. He came to redeem us from the law of sin and death and atoned for our sin under the law. He was perfect, is perfect and will forever be perfect. Believe in Him and trust Him; He is God. Let His grace and truth wash over you today to strengthen your faith as you make a great day!