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Writer's pictureBret Sanor

Friday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! I hear people say often that a certain person is too far gone for Jesus to save them. I hate that demonic talk because it limits God and does not agree with His word. It is speaking death and I refuse to believe that doubting demonic tongue who would like nothing more than to see everyone perish.

But God says His will is that none perish but all come to a saving knowledge of Christ. His blood does not diminish in power over time. It still has the same power to cleanse sin as it did the day He shed it on the cross. That's the gospel!

He can save whoever would call upon His name. If you are agreeing with the devil and saying someone cannot be saved, repent of that speech and thought process. Faith does not live by what it sees but what it cannot see. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

Let God open your spiritual eyes to see His mercy running after the lost. Let Him restore your faith to believe He can save anyone who would call upon His name and turn from their sin. Stop letting the devil dictate your speech and thoughts and let faith rise up to believe and hope for the will of God to save those who seem lost beyond hope. Let faith be your portion today as you make a great day!

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