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Friday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Writer: Bret SanorBret Sanor

Good morning! In Genesis, we see the story of creation and the fall of mankind when sin entered the picture. Because of the sin through Adam, we all experience the effects of sin.

Sickness, disease, lack, even death are all a result of the fall. But God sent His Son, Jesus to pay the penalty for sin through His death on a cross. He then rose from the dead so that we have the assurance of heaven as our eternal destination by turning from our sins and trusting in Christ.

Apart from Jesus' return, we will eventually all experience death. Those whose life is hidden in Christ will live forever with Him. Don't put your trust in religious works or your own good deeds. Trust in Christ who raised from the dead and paid for us to have eternal life. When you have Him, you'll have all you need to make every day a great day!


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