Good morning and Merry Christmas! This passage I remembered before I ever became a Christian because I saw it every year on the Charlie Brown Christmas special. It became very real to me when I finally met my Savior. I still enjoy watching that show every year.
Jesus came and lived a sinless life so that we could not just have atonement for our sins, but be redeemed from the guilt of our sins. What an amazing thing! The God of the universe would send His only Son to be God wrapped up in man so that we could be reconciled to God through His sacrifice.
We serve a loving God who is merciful and gracious. He is kind and compassionate. My prayer is that you think about His goodness today and be thankful for the greatest gift ever given. Jesus is that gift and those who have Him in their hearts are blessed with everything they could ever need. May you be blessed this Christmas and stay safe in any travels. Be thankful and enjoy good food, family and the joy that our Savior has come! From my family to yours, thank you for supporting this ministry and Merry Christmas!