Good morning! There's a line being drawn in the sand as to which side you are on. Darkness is no longer trying to hide and the light is burning brighter in boldness in areas once thought to be utterly godless. Do you feel the struggle?
Spiritual warfare is high because the enemy knows his time is drawing short. We as believers know the signs are there of the eminent return of Jesus Christ. Have you made a definitive choice to follow Jesus? A wishy-washy faith the Lord will not receive.
It's time for a choice as to whom you will serve. Either you will serve the Lord or you will be a slave to the enemy. Who do you serve? Take a stand and stand for the Lord and His righteousness.
Be as determined as Joshua to serve the Lord. Take a stand for Jesus, and He will not be ashamed of you in the presence of the Father. Make Him your number one and you will always find what it takes to make a great day!