Good morning! This is one of my favorite verses and today I remember it well how it became that. On a Wednesday afternoon around 3pm on October 2, 2002, I was in an industrial accident at my job.
While running a winder machine used to wrap up large rolls of sandpaper, my hand became caught while trying to start a new roll of 24 grit, 60" wide sandpaper. My hand got caught between the paper and the steel core used to wrap the paper on. It began to wrap my arm around the roll encapsulating it in the sandpaper.
I could not get the machine to stop and it wrapped my whole arm around the roll and then threw my body into the roll and wrapped my entire body from my head to my knees in the sandpaper literally crushing me to death. I was wrapped so tightly in the sandpaper, that had my lower legs not been sticking out, no one would have known I was in the roll being wrapped up. I literally died inside the roll of sandpaper.
Heaven is a real place and I was a Christian when this happened, so I got to see heaven for a brief time. I got to see Jesus and He told me, "Go back to earth and do the work I have prepared for you that begins now!" Immediately I was back to earth and woke up as paramedics were thinking it was too late.
I had both my femurs broken, my left arm broken in nine places, a rib broken, my eyes swollen so severely that they couldn't close and was cut up all over from the sandpaper. My left forearm lost the muscles and tendons that control hand functions, my left humerus was snapped in half, my radial nerve in my left arm was severed and my radius and ulna were both broken in several places. I was a mess, but I was a miracle because I was alive.
This verse is my story in large part. I believe, I died and now I live again because of the resurrection power of Christ. I know it applies to eternal life, but for me, it also applies to my natural life. I was told I would never do most normal things again, but to look at me now, you'd never really know I had even been through this ordeal. I've been healed and I am blessed!
Jesus still heals, still saves, still delivers, still does the miraculous and even still raises the dead. I am proof of all these things. I apologize for this lengthy devotional today, but it is important to tell your testimony. This is part of mine to the glory of God. Nothing is impossible for Jesus if you just believe. I pray this strengthens your faith today and gives you a reason to tell someone about Jesus as you make a great day!