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Writer's pictureBret Sanor

Wednesday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! Sometimes, we limit God by limiting what He can do in and through us. We believe more in our ability not to be used by God than for Him to be able to use us despite ourselves. I know I've been guilty of this.

What's the biggest thing you can imagine or dream up? God is bigger, greater and able to do beyond that. What vision do you have to do things for the kingdom? He can do more than that and can do it through you.

We have no idea the power that lives in us as believers. If we did, we would be shaking the foundations of civilizations and do like the early Apostles and turn the world upside down (Acts 17).

In what way or ways have you limited God in your life? In what ways have you failed to believe in His power to use you? Repent of looking at yourself and start looking to Jesus who lives and works in you. His power is greater than your ability to fail. Let Him transform your thinking so you can go out and make a great day!

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