Good morning! You cannot love God and also hate people at the same time. If you say you love God, but hate the church, then you make yourself out to be a liar. I don't say that to offend you, but to show you what the Bible says about it.
The Biblical perspective is the lens we need to use to form our worldview as believers. We cannot have hate for the church because it is what Jesus said is His bride and also His body. If you hate the church, you are hating Jesus.
I understand people can do hurtful things, even in the church. I have felt it personally. But I don't love the church because of how well people treat me or live like Christ. I love the church because Jesus loves it. I'm not perfect and have done some things that unintentionally hurt people. I had to ask forgiveness and make amends.
None of us are above failing others. Loving others even through hurts gives room for Jesus to love us through our shortcomings. Peter said love covers a multitude of sins. Let our love for each other mirror the love of our Savior has for us all. Find ways to love intentionally and you'll find ways to make a great day!