Good morning! I say it a lot, but motives matter. God continually tells us this in His word. Why? Because after the fall, the heart is intrinsically evil and selfish. God warns us the end of those who devise evil and seek their own ways. It is not good!
Those who love Him seek mercy and truth. They devise to do good and theirs will be the kingdom of God. Choose carefully what you allow to rule you heart. If it's mercy and truth, you will seek to do good. If it is evil, you will fall away and your end will be destruction.
The heart of those who love God will be to do good and deny selfish ambition. Those who love evil will live self-seeking lives and will end up in a fiery state of constant death. No thank you! I choose life! I pray you do too. God takes it very seriously and we should too. That way, we seek Him, do good and do our best to make each day a great day!