Good morning! Fear is a snare and distrust is a trap. We are in a season of fear promoted all month. Fear of things, creatures, man, spiritual things and evil. Focus is the key to a proper perspective.
Fear has a lot to do with perception. Perception is not always truth and basing reality on perception alone is dangerous. Perspective gives context to what is actually real and gives clarity beyond the scope of perception.
Fear the things of this life and you will life in a state of death being afraid to truly live life. Fear of God gives you boldness to venture into the world with your gaze upon the Lord who keeps you. He reveals secret things to those who fear Him in reverence.
He makes a covenant with those who love Him that goes beyond a simple promise. He reveals the snares and traps of the enemy and delivers you out his hand. Trust the Lord, focus on Him and let Him develop a proper perspective in you. He keeps your feet steady on the rocky road of life and gives you the tools to make every day a great one!