Good morning! Women are special people in that they are the only one's who can grow another human inside of them and give birth to that person when they are ready. It is important to understand the value of life and where it begins.
God has a plan for every life before it ever begins. That's why life begins at God's inception. That's why every fertilized egg inside the womb of a woman is a precious human life from the moment the fusion happens.
Our culture needs to regain the truth that life matters and is a precious gift not to be taken lightly. No one is expendable at any age or stage of life. Rather in the womb or moments from the tomb, no life is disposable or to be overlooked.
All lives should be treated with dignity and respect because it is created, formed and fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Marvelous are the works of God and He should be praised for His amazing creative ability. Praise Him today for life as you make a great day!