Good morning! Wisdom is important. In Proverbs 4:7 wisdom is called the principal thing. Though it is costly, pay the price because it is worth it. That is the essence of the message in that Proverb.
Knowledge is good, but without wisdom, you will not know how to use what you know. Wisdom is the ability to understand what you know, what is needed, when to use something and how much is needed in a given situation. Wouldn't that be useful?
Wisdom helps you navigate difficult situations, how to handle difficult people and knowing when to do nothing at all. Sometimes we want to be able to solve everything in the moment, but often, the best thing to do is nothing at all and wait on the Lord. Knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do.
Ask for wisdom. Be in constant pursuit of Jesus and trust what He gives you to do. He was never overtaken by the wisdom of men trying to trick Him into sinning or misspeaking. He relied on the wisdom of heaven and so should we. Trust Him who never sinned and the wisdom of heaven to give us the answers on how to make every day a great day!