Good morning! Gabriel is a messenger angel and one of the few actually named in the Bible. He had a very special message for Mary with an assignment attached. She was chosen to be the mother of the Son of God. What a moment!
I don't know about you, but seeing an angel like this would be an extraordinary experience. Then, to have the angel give such a weighty message would be overwhelming. How do you think you would react? My knee- jerk reaction is to say, "No. It's too much! I can't do what you asked of me!"
But, if I trust in myself, this is true. If God is calling you to something, He will give you the grace and strength to accomplish it. That's faith. God is giving us a message in this season to look to His Son. Is your faith strong or is it wavering?
Your calling may not be as overwhelming as Mary's but it still carries weight and is important to the Lord for you to carry it out. In this season, be like Mary and without hesitation, give your "yes" to Jesus. You are blessed and highly favored to do something for Jesus. Do it with joy and excellence as you make a great day!