Good morning! I don't know how you can know Jesus, experience His forgiveness and be ashamed of His gospel. What is there to be ashamed of? Are you ashamed of His forgiveness, mercy and grace? I'm thankful for Him and i am not ashamed to tell anyone.
Who would receive such a gift and want to keep that to themselves when the gift is meant for everyone? It would have to be a selfish person to not want others to experience the same saving grace.
I have to question someone who is embarrassed to tell someone about Jesus if they say they have encountered His goodness and grace. I don't think you received the same Jesus, because after I was saved, I couldn't wait to tell everyone.
No matter who you are, He did the work to bring you salvation. Rather your sins are many or few, He died for all of them. There is nothing to be ashamed about. Use wisdom in sharing and be not afraid of telling others about the saving grace of God. You might just save someone's life by giving them the gospel. Go share, be unashamed and let His love guide all you do as you make a great day!