Good morning! Life has a way of reminding us of our sins and mistakes. Rather through other people, our own memory or evil spirits, we often are confronted with the past. This is why it is so important to focus on Jesus.
We have our debt paid in full through His blood. We are not only forgiven, but redeemed. Atonement meant our sin was covered or buried, but redemption means our sin is removed and we're declared not guilty.
God's grace is greater than and more plentiful than all of our sins combined. We don't have to live in condemnation. But we must be careful that we do not use His grace as a license to keep sinning. We cannot take His gift for granted or treat the blood of Jesus as a common thing. Remember Jesus, the cost of our sin and the redemption we have in Him as you walk in His grace and do your best to make a great day!