Good morning! Pride is one of the things God hates. It sets itself up against Him and the things Satan was thrown out of heaven for. We are to exude the qualities and characteristics of God. not the devil.
Jesus came in humility and was born in the most humble of circumstances. To be Christ-like is to live in humility. When we live like we deserve to be treated special or in a privileged way, we are prideful and our character is aligning with the devil, not God.
Be careful! When you think you should be promoted in the kingdom before God does the promoting, you will get filled with bitterness, jealousy and resentment for those who are promoted. Jesus was the greatest ever and yet was the servant of all. Let that sink in.
Advancement in the kingdom means a great level of servanthood. Never let your title be bigger than your towel. Jesus held the greatest title ever bestowed as the Messiah, yet He used His garment as a towel to wash His disciple's feet after serving them the last supper and communion. Let God lift you up and you will be able to handle the responsibility of the the promotion. Trust the process and let God be your everything as you make a great day!