Good morning! As we enter the Advent season in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, let us not forget that we need to be mindful of His second advent. He is coming again and not as a baby in a manger, but as a King to carry His bride home.
The world is in turmoil. It's chaotic on a global scale. Things are turbulent in politics, world governments, in cultures, in ideologies, in nature and in the heavenly realms. Things which can be shaken are being shaken.
This passage in Hebrews tells us why. God is speaking once more to get everyone's attention. He wants them to repent and ready themselves for the second coming of Christ. We as believers, however, should not be shaken. We should be rejoicing because the King is coming! We are receiving a kingdom unlike the earth. It cannot be shaken like the world can be.
It is not time to be dawdling about life without a care in the world. It is serious times and we should be looking up. We need to be found about our Father's business and occupying until Jesus comes. We shouldn't have an earthly fear of God, but a godly fear that keeps us sharp, diligent, repentant, serving and striving for holiness. Be ready, stay ready and look up, for our King is coming! Do your best to make the most of every opportunity as you make a great day!