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Writer's pictureBret Sanor

Sunday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! Jesus came that we may have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life. He is not an angry God who is waiting for you to screw up just so He can throw you away like a discarded piece of trash. He loves you.

Once you put your life in His hands, nothing can snatch you away from Him. Just be sure you don't be foolish and walk away from Him. The devil cannot overpower the Lord. It's not a battle of good verses evil. Jesus has already won against death, hell and the grave.

Nothing can threaten the sovereignty of God. He is all powerful, strong and mighty and mighty in battle. He has never lost and never can. Keep yourself in His love and don't walk away from His hand. Stay in the love of God and His hand will protect, guard and keep you as you go out and make a great day!

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