Good morning! So many people want to find their purpose in life. They attribute it to a title or a calling, but our main purpose in life is to be in fellowship with God through Jesus Christ and to glorify Him with our lives in everything we do.
Rather you are a preacher or a plumber, you have purpose beyond your occupation. Some of the most impactful moments of my life were in a grocery store with a random person in the isle that led to a conversation about Jesus. A random person wanting to fish beside me at the lake that led to me sharing my testimony of why my arm looked strange.
Times like that have been just me being a normal person, not functioning in my calling as an evangelist in a professional capacity. No matter what you do, do it with excellence as if doing it for Jesus and be thankful to Him for the opportunity to glorify Him even in the mundane, routine, day-to-day tasks. In doing so, you'll find purpose for each day and know how to make each one a great day!