Good morning! It is a natural thing to seek vengeance for an injustice and judge the situation through the lens of emotionalism. We justify it because of the wrong, hurt and anger. But we must give to God's what is God's.
We have to leave room for Him to be just and judge the situation because He is the only one who knows perfectly how to deal perfect justice and give due punishment when needed. Not only is it fearful to fall into God's hand of judgment for wrongdoing, but it can also be a fearful thing to fall in His hands for trying to be judge in His place.
We cannot be God and cannot see perfectly into the heart of every situation. We need to stay out of His way and let Him have His rightful place. He judges the just and the unjust. I'd rather be just in His judgment than unjust and receive the punishment for the unjust. Let God be God and stay out of His way. Trust Him in all things and let Him have His place in all things as you make a great day!