Good morning! For the believer, death has no power over us. It doesn't mean we won't pass from this life, but it means we pass from this life into heaven immediately. For to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
Hell has no victory over us any longer. It doesn't dictate our eternal judgment or final destination. It has lost its power because Jesus has conquered death, hell and the grave! If that doesn't excite you, then examine yourself to see that you are in the faith.
Just because you live a moral life and do mostly good, does not mean you will get to heaven. Morality keeps you out of jail but only the blood of Christ keeps you out of hell. Is your life covered by the blood of Jesus? Have you trusted in Him? Today is day to make that choice and once you do, make that same choice every day. Then you too can be excited about this verse knowing death, hell and the grave has no power over you because of Jesus Christ! Make a great day!