Good morning! Being a disciple is not an easy thing. You are used to living a certain way for so long and you have trained your mind, body and spirit to respond a certain way. Then, when you make a change, it is difficult because you have to unlearn a behavior and relearn a new one.
It takes discipline to make changes. That's why we need the Holy Spirit to help us to be more like Jesus each day. We cannot afford to react out of emotion, but have to discipline our responses to be based on the Spirit and not the flesh.
It takes work and is a constant process of dying daily as we take up our cross and follow Jesus. The Apostle James tells us the tongue is a small thing but can cause big problems if we don't put it in check. Let the Lord have rule over your tongue and ask the Holy Spirit to bear fruit in you for self-control. With His help, you can do all things and make each heated moment peaceful as you make a great day!