Good morning! In the age we live in, it can be information overload. It is also the age of disinformation overload. There are a lot of things circulating around that are untrue. Sadly, this is even in much of the church.
We need to adhere to sound doctrine. Jesus warned us that many false teachers, false prophets and false christs would rise up in the last days. He warned us to beware of them and be sure no one deceived us. The Bible is our fact-checker.
The Holy Spirit gives us discernment and the anointing to know the truth. The word of God is our good thing imparted to us that brought us into the light of the truth. Guard it! Don't get drug away from the truth with all these new strange doctrines floating around. Much of it is doctrine of demons and we need to discern what we hear.
Don't blindly follow whatever someone says because they claim to be from God. Let the word of God guide you to see whether they are from God. The Holy Spirit move in your heart to remind you of the truth. He leads you into all truth and reminds you of all Jesus taught and said. Let the truth dwell in you richly as you make a great day!