Good morning! It seems like the end of the year is a time for reflection over the past year or maybe even years. The older I get, the more there is to think back on. It's easy to get caught up in the "I wish I would have, I could have, I should have..." looking back on things in life.
But, we can't change what is behind. We can change how we do things going forward. Even if you have no regrets, we still learn from the things we went through. As the new year comes, I challenge you to put this verse into practice. Forget the past and move forward towards the goal of heaven.
It's easy to look back and see where things could be different. But in the moment, it was what was decided with the information given. If you need forgiveness, ask Jesus for it and He will give it. If you need to make amends with someone, don't put it off, but use wisdom. Whatever you do, do it to glorify God and reach ahead towards the upward call of heaven. Let Jesus be enough for you and strive to do your best as you make a great day!