Good morning! This is another prophecy about Jesus coming to the earth as a man. Though He was a man, He was also all God at the same time. The Word made flesh and dwelt among us.
He is also coming again. The first time He came, He did not come to rule an earthly kingdom like many wanted Him to do. He came meek and humble to reveal the kingdom of God and take away the sins of the world.
When He comes again though, He will rule and reign on the earth with His bride, the church. So, in essence, this prophesy fulfills both His first and His second coming. I am glad He came as a baby in a manger and lived like one of us. I am also glad He is coming again as the Lion of Judah to rule like no other king has ever ruled. Are you ready for Him? I longing for the day with expectation with my prayer that you are doing the same. Prepare your heart to receive the Lord as you make a great day!