Good morning! Many think the will of God is left up to a mystery and a hopeful prayer. But, the word of God gives us keys to understanding His will. This teaches us a piece of the puzzle to knowing His will.
We just need to be students of the word and find all the pieces to the puzzle so we can see the big picture. Everything about God's will is to glorify Him in our lives at all times in all situations. Simple right? Maybe to understand that, but not always to apply that, amen?
In glorifying God with our lives first by total surrender to Him, we silence those who would seek to point fingers at us in sin to call us hypocrites. This is why in our liberty through forgiveness, we must be careful not to use this freedom as a license to sin. We should not be bound to the vices that made us need forgiveness.
We should be instead bound to the Lord for His goodness, mercy and grace. If the freedom you have doesn't lead you closer to Jesus in holiness, you don't have true freedom. You are rebellious and deceived that God would look over habitual sin. Be free in the Lord and be freed from the cloak of sin. He loves you too much to leave you in slavery. Let His love free you so you can walk out true freedom and make each day a great day!