Good morning! There are friends and then there are friends. What I mean by that is there are people who call us friends but are really like acquaintances and there are friends who are more like family.
The one's who you can call at most any time of day or night who will be there for you no matter what. Lifetime friends who are not there for a season but for our lifetime. There is a special bond with them unlike anything else.
This is what is portrayed in this verse about the Lord. He is a lifetime friend who is there through everything and able to be called upon at any time of day or night and will show up. When you call on Him in faith, He answers.
When you go through something and find out who your true friends are, you love them differently. There is a loyalty to them above others. This is how we should be with the Lord. I was desperate and I called out to Him. He answered me and that is why I love Him so and will for as long as I live. I pray this is your resolve as well. He loves you, so love Him and make a great day!