Good morning! When you live for yourself, it is a life that leads to death. When you live for Jesus, it is a death to your own life that leads to eternal life. Even in death to our natural life, it is not true death but life and life everlasting.
I was wrapped up in a roll of sandpaper at my job in 2002. My body from my head to my knees got encased in sandpaper and I was literally crushed to death. At the moment of death, I had no more pain, only peace. I woke up in heaven and Jesus told me to go back and preach His word.
I came back to life and knew I had to take the calling, purpose and assignment of my life seriously. My life is not my own, it is Christ's and I died to the life that was leading to death so that even in death, I had eternal life.
Had my life not been in Christ, my death in a roll of sandpaper would have had a different outcome and not a good one! To truly live is Christ and to die in Him is truly gain. Rather I live or die, I have life because of Christ. Do you have this assurance today? I pray you do so that each day you can live to the fullest and make each day a great day!