Good morning! The Lord who formed the heavens and the earth is speaking in this verse with an invitation to talk with Him. What will your response be? Will you call to Him or will you ignore the invitation?
The Lord desires to share special things with you. The great and mighty things is actually translated hidden, secret, inaccessible things. The Lord of all creation desires to share secret, hidden things with you.
Things you do not know. Things the enemy doesn't know. Things that those who do not draw near to Him do not get to know. He desires to spend intimate, quality time with you in the secret place.
This is how merciful and loving God is, that He would call to us to meet with Him to share secret things about the kingdom, life and Himself. What a privilege! Call to Him today and make time for Him to speak with you to learn what all He has in store to help you make a great day!