Good morning! Often, people look at the commands of God as a list of rules of do's and don't's. They miss the point of the command and that is to love God because He first loved us and to love others like we love ourselves.
This sums it up into one because if you love God, it is a given that you should love others. If you love God you won't steal. If you love others, you won't want to take their stuff and cause them loss to your gain. If you love God, you will be faithful in marriage. If you love your spouse, you won't want to hurt them by cheating.
When you love God, you receive the standard of love through Christ. When you love others, you don't trample them under selfishness. Seek to love others by wishing to do them no harm and so fulfill the law. Love is the essence of the law; not a bunch of rules. Seek to love others and you will always make a great day!